It’s my penultimate Thinky Stream. Friday, September 13. I’ll be turning autumn brown while surrounded by:

The stream will blossom at 9PM UK, 10PM CET, 4PM EST and Saturday 6AM Sydney. The Thinky Games Twitch channel can be found here:

I’ll add the videos for each part of the stream here as they get published on YouTube.

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6 thoughts on “Thinky Stream: Bright Colours and Lonely Places

  1. I see The Banished Vault is “a run-based strategy game” with “[p]rocedurally generated solar systems.”

  2. I was going to speculate that they had refrained from using the r-word because they are afraid of me but I couldn’t think of a good joke so I just hit “post.” (“Roguelite” is in the tags though.)

  3. I think I might have used the word roguelikes at some point, so I wasn’t sure if you were aiming the cannons at your beautiful host.

    Is The Banished Vault good? It’s difficult for me to pass comment. I didn’t have enough time to get into it before the stream and, boy, you need the time. It’s all about careful resource management while up against a clock and the resources have overlapping uses – very knotty.

    Vfig was not impressed, seeing it as a maths heavy game. I reserve judgement. Some ppl LOVE it

  4. Oh right! I was definitely subtweeting your use of “roguelike” in the stream! Which I had totally watched before leaving that comment! I’m sorry, you know how I am about videos.

    I guess if I want a taste of the experience I should watch. My instinct is to say “maths heavy? no problem!” but that is not how I really experience, er, tactical combat games. Also I do not one tiny bit really need another such game at the moment.

    (Status: Inkulinati still in stasis through what would be the final run in the arc if I win it which I probably won’t, Darkest Dungeon also in stasis–it was somewhat ironic that I got into it after complaining about Inkulinati’s length but it predictably got shelved when the semester started–and mostly I worked out how to get Realmspeak running again and am playing that a ton instead of even Brogue or Slice & Dice, don’t worry about what Realmspeak is it is an eccentric interest of mine. Also playing Cato: Buttered Cat which is very charming except the boss fights and I’m told you can skip those eventually? Also bittersweet because of a recent tragic event in our household.)

    (btw I’m not sure how I managed to assume an alternate identity two posts up)

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