A series of short essays on puzzle games.
- HEAD MEETS TAIL. It all starts with Snakebird. (17 Jan 2018)
- THE BOX IMPOSSIBLE. The Room ain’t no puzzle game. (24 Jan 2018)
- THE ZEN LIE. Where is Spelltower‘s zen mode? (02 Feb 2018)
- I HATE PLAYING WITH MYSELF. Yes, I hate those time travel puzzles too. (15 Feb 2018)
- CLAUSTROPHOBIA. Sokoboring, am I right? (15 Mar 2018)
- THE CITADEL REBORN. PuzzleScript turned out to be a lot more fun than expected. (26 Mar 2018)
- AGORAPHOBIA. The bigger the puzzle, the harder they quit. (08 Apr 2018)
- BEEN AROUND THE BLOCK. Should we consider block pushing past its sell-by date? (27 May 2018)
- REFLECTIONS ON A DESIGN. Where did the laser reflection puzzle come from? (03 Jun 2018)
- VIRGIN LANDS. Puzzles that feel less like iterations on other designs. (15 Jul 2018)
- REPETITIVE STRAIN. What does it mean for a puzzle to be laborious? (25 Jul 2018)
- THE ROGUE AND THE ARTISTE. Bonus episode for newsletter subscribers: why do I like roguelikes but not roguelike puzzles? (31 Jul 2018)
- THE LABORATORY OF LOGIC. The Witness taught me something. (08 Aug 2018)
- GRAVEYARD. Is your desktop smothered in abandoned puzzle games? (09 Sep 2018)
- THE MONTE CARLO PLAYER. How many puzzle players end up rolling dice instead of thinking? (13 Nov 2018)
- DEAD IN THE WATER. Contemporary puzzle design may be creating dropout players. (13 Dec 2018)
- WHY WE DO THIS. Great challenges make for a sublime experience. (16 Dec 2018)
- ANDROMEDA 14. Sometimes puzzles are more than just puzzles. (29 Jan 2019)
- ALL ROADS. A good level select is hard to build… and merely delays the inevitable. (30 Jan 2019)
- HOLE IN MY CHEST. What happens to a player when they use a walkthrough? (04 Feb 2019)
- TAIL MEETS HEAD. It all ends with Snakebird. (28 Feb 2019)