One year ago, Electron Dance flickered into life with a post about VVVVVV. It had zero hits. If you build it, they will most certainly not come without a shiny carrot trinket to entice them. And maybe a ginormous stick with zombie-bat fangs.

Three hundred and sixty five days on, Electron Dance is now regularly visited by AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE. Jokes aside, Electron Dance now pulls in over a hundred views a day and gets the odd link from Rock Paper Shotgun amongst others. This is all good and I am happy with this, although the World Domination achievement is only 0.00376% complete according to my HUD. It’s the upward climb of visitors that keeps me going through the dark times when I’m trying to edit an article through the Tuesday midnight delirium.

The good work I did bitching about Neptune’s Pride for nine weeks has had profound effects on the internet. It drove Armand of BnB Gaming to run a game of Iron Helmet’s follow-up Blight of the Immortals. Oh Lord, what have I done?

As a reward, Armand asked me to participate in their latest Top 5: the top 5 female game characters. Just five?

So, on this special day, I might as well throw out some top secret advance preview news. After The Aspiration, the next large project I’m working on is something I’m provisionally calling Where We Came From, a feast of articles about early gaming years. I’m avoiding the word retro as that means so many different things to different people. I’m not willing to proffer more details as the content is still in flux, but hopefully this will be kick off sometime in May.

Thanks for finding the love in your blood-engorged hearts to stick around these parts. I hope to give you more reasons to keep on coming back.

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10 thoughts on “One

  1. And I’ll be honest, I’m still recovering from nine weeks of intensive writing. Sorry for not visiting your websites much, y’all internet friends.

  2. Pretty excited about the game! And it is all thanks to you HM. See what a difference your site has had on all our lives!

  3. Armand, I took a look at your game in Blight (oh I just loved the way the site was pimping “Do you want to join?” at me, get your filthy claws out of my video game addiction pathways) and it looked pretty interesting. The screenshot above is ripped from the start of your game.

    Anyway, come back to me in a few weeks time and tell me what you think of the experience =)

    And Steerpike, thanks, but I don’t think the internet is giving me any time off. I think December 32nd is the only holiday on the internet calendar.

  4. @GreggB: Talking to you is like the inverse of Donkey Kong. How low can you go? Or like playing Limbo. Limbo dancing that is.

  5. Forgiven, even though it means my blog now has zero readers. I think that’s more of a reason to begin promoting it further*.

    *”Further” is Sidspeak for “at all”.

  6. I almost clicked on a link to your site just yesterday, you know. It was close. The mouse pointer hovered over the RSS feed and then… it was time for dinner.

    You know if you keep updating on a regular basis, I’ll add you to the Friends list on the side. Veret dropped off because there haven’t been any updates for a long time and I’m seriously considering letting go of The Machination as their updates are on the sparse side of Few.

    And having worked on two previous websites that both failed to attract any audience, you need (a) regular output and (b) to get noticed. You’re alive in the comment threads of many sites, so I wouldn’t be too worried about (b). You will have to hack away at (a) for a while, though.

  7. Man, I never rated for the friends list at all. What about all the good times, HM?

    Of course as far as regular output goes I am a terrible offender. There are probably some people who think I am dead now, or that I’ve given up on making games (the former is more true than the latter, for the record – I will never stop making games as long as I have a few usable mental functions left.)

  8. Yep Switchbreak, it’s the fact that you’re not regular. More bloggy fibre is needed for your diet. No update on Ema or anything for two months now!! I had even written up a little Switchy mention for my “new links down the side” article for a rainy Friday. But no updates man! That’s death. Actually, I have a better idea, maybe I could link your Twitter instead, which is pretty much alive.

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