Today I am going to tell you the story of an accidental ARG and...
The Aspiration
On Tuesday, I wrote about a unique game of Neptune's Pride in which the...
I commissioned Jonas Kyratzes to create a trophy, called The Remnant of The Aspiration,...
When writing The Aspiration I wanted to convey the psychological hell the game plunges...
Laura Michet writes: "My reasons to dislike Neptune’s Pride only proliferated as time went...
"Kent, of course, was just defending himself in the only way he knew how....
But I was pretty damn sore at Kent, who'd sold me plenty of nice...
Twelve images taken direct from Neptune's Pride that illustrate the fight and fall of...
Kerry Turner, a developer for Littleloud, writes on Electron Dance today. She presents the...
"Even though I set out to be honest about the experience, Electron Dance's series...