Two years ago, seven signs were hidden on Electron Dance.
Over the next few days, you must find them.
Do not worry – there are clues to the locations of the signs. I’ll let you know in the comments if a clue has been released.
If you have found a sign, take a screenshot and submit by email to hm at After the authenticity of the screenshot has been reviewed, the sign will be marked as recovered.
Good luck. I am counting on you.
First Sign
Sign recovered by hermitgames and Matt W.
Second Sign
Sign recovered by Alan Hazelden (draknek).
Third Sign
Sign recovered by Alan Hazelden (draknek).
Fourth Sign
Sign recovered by Shaun Green.
Fifth Sign
Sign recovered by Shaun Green.
Sixth Sign
Sign recovered by Shaun Green.
The Final Sign
Sign recovered by Shaun Green.
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Locations of three signs are currently available. One is obvious. SEARCH for the correct signs and ye shall find the others.
I’m terrible at ARGs but I will Do My Best and be everyone’s favorite cheerleader.
The first sign has been recovered. There remain clues for two other signs.
Harrumph. Well I’m stumped as to where to look (after trying the obvious CAPS lead).
This would be a lot easier if you had browsable archives!
The second sign has been recovered. There remains one clue.
Once the third sign had been recovered, the next clue will be released tomorrow.
I didn’t see anything in the Cell: Emergence video, although it took me two tries to spot the clue in the Remnant video – and I knew where to look!
I’ll leave this to the obsessive-compulsives. 😉
Three signs have been recovered. Another clue will be released tomorrow.
Thank you for participating.
Time to FACE the music again. Another clue is available.
The fourth sign has been recovered. Another clue will be released tomorrow.
Thank you for participating.
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. The birds are going TWEET TWEET. Another clue has been released.
The clue is still available. The fifth sign has not been recovered.
I didn’t even look this morning, as I saw the email notification and assumed it was a comment saying it had been found!
Well, others snoozed and losed. You have an email.
The fifth sign has now been recovered. Careful observers may note a new truth emerging.
The next clue will be leaked or released at some point in the next 24 hours. The final clue will be released tomorrow.
Thank you for participating.
Another clue had been released. Feel free to COMMENT on this development.
The penultimate sign had been recovered.
Soon. Very soon now.
Recovery complete.
Now send the instruction.
I never thought I would say that I won an ARG, but: I won an ARG!
This is the Twitter moment when that Shaun completed the ARG